The Oregon Queen — March 2022
March 15, 2022 Off By Lois Forester2022 Miss Rodeo Oregon Avalon Irwin!
Tis the season for Coronations… and sometimes illness. This month did not go how I had originally envisioned it, but it most definitely became a blessing in disguise. To start off the month, I got to travel to the beautiful state of South Dakota where I attended one of Sutton’s Rodeos in Rapid City. They had just redone the facility there and I was honored to get to ride in it for its first rodeo. This is also the first time Miss Rodeo Oregon has been to Rapid City in quite a while and let me tell you it was worth the trip! While I was there I got to visit the Crazy Horse Memorial and stand at the very top. While we were up there talking to the crew, there was a sizeable snow storm rolling in that sat right at our eye level. It was pretty humbling to be up that high and see not only what nature has to offer in beauty, but how man can work with that natural beauty to form something monumental. On the topic of monuments, I was thrilled to finally get to see Mount Rushmore in person. It is a monument you learn about from a young age when studying America’s history, but one I never thought I would see in real life. Fun fact: my absolute favorite US president is none other than Teddy Roosevelt! It was pretty cool to come “face to face” with an icon.
While in South Dakota, I ran into a face you all know well, 2021 Miss Rodeo America Jordan Tierney. We had fun hanging out with her at the fashion show, then later that night went out to dinner and got to hear more of her stories. I feel very fortunate to have gotten to spend some significant time with her during her two year reign and beyond.
After South Dakota I came home and attended Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon Carrie Woods' coronation. This event gave me the opportunity to visit my favorite Oregon getaway location, the coast! The event itself was a very successful event and, Carrie, you should be very proud.
While I am sure that most of you know that Silver Spurs Rodeo in Florida was also this month, you may be wondering why it is that I did not show up in any of the photos. Unfortunately this month I have been battling with a variety of different illnesses but ironically none of them were COVID. While I absolutely love my body just the way God created it, sometimes it needs a little more TLC than other people and when it asks I am forced to listen. This created a good opportunity for me to take time and adjust my nutrition, supplements, and exercise so that I can perform my absolute best. Looks like all those things aren’t just for our horses but good for us to do for ourselves! I guess I will just have to work extra hard in preparation for the Miss Rodeo America pageant so that I have the opportunity to attend the silver spurs trip after all.
Because of having to stay in bed longer than expected I did miss the coronation of Miss Columbia River Circuit, Britney Norby. Britney was one of the girls that I had the honor of competing with during the Miss Rodeo Oregon Pageant. I have been thrilled by her success and the fact that I get to ride with her throughout this year. Brittany was a tough competitor and one I am sure you will all see again. Congratulations Britney on your title and to another year of rodeoing!
My month ended with the event that gave me the start to the road to Miss Rodeo Oregon. I have the honor of coaching my old High School’s Equestrian team. This month was their very first meet. I was so proud of them for making it to the competition and keeping up positive spirits when things didn't go as they had planned. They are a wonderful group of young adults and the reason that I am where I am. I am so grateful to get to be a part of their journey this year!
Next up will be my coronation fundraiser in just a few short days. I hope to see you all there and thank you for your support!
Avalon Irwin, Miss Rodeo Oregon 2022

The path to Mt. Rushmore is filled with tributes to each state

Got to practice my modeling; the audience was a hoot!

First time in the new arena; look how nice these bucking chutes are!

Not only did I run into a familiar face, but Jordan also did my makeup. I felt honored!

Beautiful Pendleton and leather bag donated by Laura McDaniel. Come bid on it at my coronation!

Still need to buy tickets? Scan the QR code here and it will take you directly to the ticket purchase page.

First OHSET Meet. I'm so proud of my Lava Bears!

Sneak peek of the new Miss Rodeo Oregon chaps which will be revealed at my coronation

Sorrel horses are my favorite so I felt right at home with Sutton Rodeo.
2022 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Destiny Wecks!
Two months in and what can I say! Rodeo in any way, shape or form is a great way to kick off any weekend! The past weekends of February allowed me to get back to the old grooves of being a rodeo queen, by traveling across the state for coronations, events and more.The first weekend of February I spent it as most likely my last weekend of skiing, but spent it with my close friends and fellow seniors. I also bought new additions to my outfit for skiing which includes superhero masks and capes. Since skiing for me is just about over, I might have to find another time to wear these cool capes...I wonder where you might see them?I also was able to help during the annual Wallowa County fair board ground hog dinner and bingo! The experience was great to be able to be with friends and family and give back to my community. I was also invited to the Walla Walla Fair and Rodeo Showcase dinner event. Getting to spend time with PNW queens and with fellow rodeo lovers was super fun.The second weekend was the 2022 Jr Miss Rodeo Oregon coronation for Carrie in Tillamook. I was so excited for Carrie and felt pretty fun in my skirt with my new custom made silver earrings from Larry Bacon Silversmiths and Gail Hillock. My school had planned a winter formal dance and even though I missed the last winter formal of high school I was with my sash sisters enjoying Carrie's night. Although I was over 7 hours away from the winter formal dance, I still dressed in my formal dress and wore it with a huge smile all night! Being around my rodeo friends and family is super important to me and dressing up for formal events is also super special to me.Getting back to the county after getting to see the surf and sand, I prepared some Facebook and other social media posts by taking photos for sponsor shout outs, recording short videos about things going on, and helping other rodeo queens locally with hair and makeup tips!Sunday, February 20th I traveled to Lewiston to attend my monthly barrel race with Brinn and we just about broke even in money won! The trip back was eventful with horrible roads and rocks covering corners down Rattlesnake Canyon. My friends still wanted to celebrate and dress up formal with me, so we had a home cooked dinner instead of a dance and I got to spend the evening with all the girls. It was a late night to say the least, but I enjoyed spending time with my friends and getting another reason to dress up!I woke up a few hours later to head out on the road for the 2022 Miss NPRA coronation in Jackson County. Making the almost 12 hour drive all the way across my beautiful state was a great time to spend with my mom and I also brought along my show horse Whisper to get some lessons in with a close friend on jumping and dressage. All week I rode many horses and did things from flying lead changes to jumping a full jump course. I learned so much and had the best time! No time is ever wasted in the saddle.As the final weekend of February came, I attended the Miss NPRA coronation for Zoe Brooks and had the best time helping with the auction and sitting with fellow queens during the dinner. After the coronation, we left super early once again to head home and beat the traffic and snow!This next month is filled with even more coronations and events, like the Miss Rodeo Oregon and Miss Rodeo Washington coronations, Benton County/Philomath Rodeo coronation and Eugene coronation. And the best one is my Lil Queen Clinic where I will host some little girls from the PNW and teach them some about rodeo queening and having fun.I'm looking forward to spending more hours in the truck or car with my mom and sometimes dad, as well as seeing my far away friends, all in rodeo. I can't wait to see what's in this chapter for next month, but I know it's going to be good!Dream big and reach far,2022 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Destiny Wecks

Walla Walla Showcase with visiting royalty at the conclusion of the evening

Carrie is getting her own bear like I did when I was JMRO in 2015 and I hope she can have many memories with it as she travels the Pacific Northwest!

Riding Desi over a small jump at the end of a jump lesson while in Eagles Point

Alona Yost, Addie Royes and Lannie Stonebrink all joined me to spend the day at Anthony Ski Resort in North Power. We had fresh snow and good laughs all day!

Cassie Soule and I standing next to her huge gelding Rex during one of my lessons

My mom Vixen and I after dinner at Zoe Brooks coronation...always have to make time for the moms to get in the photos!

Had to take our iconic Destiny and Zoe photo during her coronation at the end of February

Addie Royes and I waiting for our time to run at the WWJD barrel race!

Jr Miss Rodeo Oregon Carrie Woods' coronation in Tillamook with many visiting royalty present.

I got to ride my favorite horse Justin, a lesson horse owned by Cassie Soule who resides in Eagles Point

Addie Royes, Gracie Ellis, and Alona Yost came to support our local fair board and played some fun games of bingo

Formal Friends dinner at Addie Royes' house with all my close friends!
2022 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon Carrie Woods!
This last month has been packed with lots of coronations, smiles, and many miles put on the car.
I started off in February by finishing up the final touches for my coronation. We got the trailer loaded with everything we needed, from tables to even a wooden carousel horse that was donated to my live auction. The night was amazing! The dinner catered by Twins Ranch Catering was delicious! Mike Bentley, who was the auctioneer for the night, did a fantastic job as well as Kayla Vincent and Tanya Cloutier who were my emcees! A big thank you to them as well to everyone who helped behind the scenes! Thank you to everyone who helped me set up on Friday, worked the front desk Saturday evening, and the guy that got our microphone and speakers working! Your work does not go unappreciated! I started off the night by greeting guests and then we headed into dinner, then the dessert auction, live auction, paddle raise for my saddle, and then the 2020-2021 JMRO Morgan officially passed on the crown! The night went absolutely perfect and every penny raised that night will help me tremendously down the road!
I also got my custom chaps made by Prairie Leather and they are beyond gorgeous! They have turquoise and silver in them with floral filigree cutouts! I am so excited to get to show these off in arenas!
On the 20th I stayed local and was invited to help with a gaming playday for the Tillamook High School Charity Drive! I got to help with awards and had all clean runs!
Then on the 26th, we drove over 300 miles to Central Point for Miss NPRA’s Zoe Brooks coronation! It was so much fun! I got to help with selling tickets for the golden ticket dessert game and carried desserts and live auction items. The venue was perfect and the room was filled with lots of smiles from her friends and supporters! I am beyond excited to spend this year with Zoe!
Besides rodeo queening, I’ve been keeping busy by playing on a club volleyball team and messing around with my horse! Tournaments start mid-March and I am so excited!
Until next month,
Carrie Woods, 2022 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon

My Bob Roy saddle was presented to me at my coronation. It's so beautiful!

Visiting royalty at my coronation

My dad giving me a pep talk.

Avalon, Me and Destiny

My Lady-In-Waiting advisor Barb Carr. Thank you Barb for everything you do!

2020-2021 JMRO Morgan Brownell crowning me.

Destiny gave me a little bear to go on my journey, just like her "Beary" goes with her.

My custom chaps made by Prairie Leather Designs

My Scrapbook and Parade Flowers

MRO Board Members Diane, Julie, Tanya and Tanya Marie

Riding my horse "Sue" at the Ride for the Kids Playday

2022 Jr. Miss TCRA Piper Armstong

Miss NPRA Zoe, Destiny and Miss Columbia River Circuit Britney at Zoe's Coronation in Central Point, OR.

Morgan's and my chaps and pageant prizes

Handed out awards at Tillamook High School Charity Drive Ride for the Kids Playday to all the Peewees with THS Senior Princess Ashlyn

My brother Blake, my dad, me, my mom and my grandmother Debbie

Destiny, 2022 Jefferson Co. Queen Kethry Nolan and I at Zoe's Coronation.
Registration for the MRO Clinic due!