The Oregon Queen — April 2020
April 5, 2020 Off By Lois ForesterMiss Rodeo Oregon 2020 Samantha Henricks!

My coronation has been rescheduled and I hope the quarantine will have been lifted by then! We do follow the guidelines prescribed by our governor and are hoping, optimistically, that this will be a good date!! If you need lodging, contact the Hampton Inn in Grants Pass for a discounted room. Call them at (541) 474-5690
Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon 2020 Ainsley Goughnour!
What an interesting month March has been. I started out the month with so much excitement for this was to be my busiest month of my “queen” year so far. The first weekend, I was in Baker City for the 2020 1A state basketball tournament. Unfortunately, I had gotten a concussion (playing basketball) in January and I still wasn’t cleared to play at state nearly 2 months later. I’m so proud of how my team played; we just fell short of winning state and placed 2nd. I was disappointed that I was still having symptoms from my concussion which ended up ending my basketball season. Even though there was some disappointment and frustration from my season ending so soon, I needed to be patient and let my body heal. I know that next season I’ll be back and ready to play.
Little did I know that this would be the beginning of many cancellations. I had a very full MTRO schedule that was just about to crash. I’ve chosen to make the best of the situation and stay positive through this difficult time for everyone. I’m blessed that my family and I are still healthy.
The 2nd weekend of March I was supposed to attend 2020 Miss Teen Rodeo Washington’s Coronation. It had to be postponed due to covid-19 and I am hopeful that I can make it to her coronation when it is rescheduled. Then more cancellations the following weekend when I was supposed to be at the FFA State Convention as well as attend Samantha’s coronation which was cancelled for the safety of everyone attending. As you know, pretty much everything was canceled from school, rodeo events to everything in between. I could have used this time to sulk and continue to ask WHY?? But for me I’ve used this time to let me body continue to heal from my concussion. And I’m happy to report that I am doing very well and I haven’t been having any symptoms related to the concussion. So in that way this break has been good for me. Who knew that a hit to the head would take nearly 3 months to heal?
Another exciting thing that’s taking place this month is that I FINALLY got my braces off so of course my mom and I pulled out my camera for some new pictures WITHOUT the braces. We took pictures with my custom made chaps and with Pete my beloved horse. I’d say the pictures turned out pretty well considering they were taken by a couple of amateurs!
As our quarantine time continues to get longer and longer, I started asking myself, "What can I do from home that would still allow me to be the ambassador that I have so longed to be? What can I do to make a difference?" I came up with the idea of writing thank you cards to the residents at the Oregon Veterans home not far from where I live. I had seen that they were locked in their facility without any family or friends being allowed to visit and this just broke my heart. So, I had time and I had cards and I began to write. The cards were mailed off last week. I hope to bring some joy to those who have worked so hard for my freedom and country.
If you have any ideas for community service that I can do from home, please message me. I’d love to hear your thoughts. I hope you are staying safe and healthy and I can’t wait to see you on the rodeo road.
Yours Truly,
Ainsley, Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon 2020

My team headed to the state basketball tournament

Letters to the veterans

The braces are off!
Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon 2020 Morgan Brownell!
Congratulation to Canby on their coronation. You guys did it just in the nick of time. It was really fun to go to support you ladies. It was my last event before quarantine and it was a fun one!
While I’ve been in quarantine, I’ve been doing some roping practice, working on breaking a pony named Charlie, working with my project horse Custer, and just giving my horses the love and attention they need. Charlie is a 4 year old paint mare and is so sweet. I have been working on breaking her for some people that bought her for their kids. She is working so hard and has been learning so much. I’m so proud of how far I’ve gotten with her. Custer is my 6 year old gelding that I am working on as a project horse. He is bred to cut but we are trying out some different things on him like team roping and barrel racing. We are just trying to see what he does best and what works out for him.
Other than all that I have just been riding my horses and I plan to come out of this quarantine better than ever. I have really been working towards some things with my show horse Kid and I can say we are definitely getting better. I have also been working with Tommy and our gaming and trying to fix everything that we have problems with! I am so ready for all of this to be over so I can get back on the rodeo road. I can’t wait to meet new people and make new memories.
Gratefully, 2020 JMRO Morgan Brownell

The 2020 Clackamas County Fair & Canby Rodeo Court, Sam and me

The St. Paul rodeo court and I selling beads for the Canby girls for their heads or tails game

2019 CCF&CR Princess Maddie Coleman and I taking a picture while Alexis Goughnour photobombs our picture

My dad and I doing some late night roping
Me working with my project horse Custer and riding him bareback for the first time
My dad and his friend helping me with riding Charlie
Me riding my show horse Kid bridleless for the first time for the both of us
Tommy and I at a local playday. We ended up getting reserve high point for the day and the series and I was the youngest in my division!
Introducing Glenda Franich, Junior Teen Advisor!
A native Oregonian, Glenda grew up in the Oregon 4-H Horse Program and participated in gaming and horsemanship events, winning many high point awards and achieved the “Dad Potter” ten-step 4-H Senior Horsemanship award her last year in 4-H.
Glenda has been judging 4-H horse events for over 40 years. She also holds cards for the Oregon Horseman’s Association, the Pony of the Americas Club, and the Oregon High School Equestrian Team (OHSET) organization. The sport of Rodeo has long been a passion of Glenda’s. She was selected as a Molalla Buckeroo princess and Queen. She has remained active with the Molalla Buckeroo Association as a Director and is President of the Molalla Buckeroo Royals, an energetic group of past Buckeroo royalty.
Glenda joined the Miss Rodeo Oregon, Inc. Foundation in 2007 following participation as a pageant judge for the 2008 Jr. and Teen MRO. Inspired by the dedication of members and their passion to provide encouragement and learning of life skills to young women in pursuit of their dreams, Glenda has been an active member of the Miss Rodeo Oregon, Inc. Foundation for the past seven years as Chair of the Education and Programs Committee, organizing the annual Rodeo Queen Clinic and was recently appointed as the Jr. and Teen MRO Coordinator. Looking forward, Glenda is excited to be an active part of the MROIF activities and working with others to offer opportunities for Oregon youth to explore new adventures in their communities and beyond, learn new skills, and reach for their dreams.
Since 1957, Oregon's Finest Royalty!
Our upcoming pageants!
Rescheduled Date!
Thanks once more to our sponsors! We appreciate you!!