The Oregon Queen — All the News through January 2024
February 5, 2024 Off By Lois Forester2024 Miss Rodeo Oregon Abby Torgerson!
It may only be the month of January, but I have already traveled over 5,500 miles! I’ve traveled to two new states and have seen so many new things.
I kicked my year off at the Challenge of Champions Tour Finale in Central Point. I had the opportunity to sign autographs and watch our Oregon cowboy, Colton Dougherty, win the year end title.
My first out of state trip took me to Colorado for the Cowboy Downhill and Denver National Western Stock Show and Rodeo. Although the weather made a three-hour trip a nine-hour trip, we made it to Steamboat for the annual Cowboy Downhill. This event includes a slalom ski course, a jump, saddling a horse, and roping a person. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am so thankful I got to experience it.
After the downhill, I headed to Denver for the rodeo. My fellow sash sisters and I kicked off the week at the State Capitol. We had the opportunity to talk with state senators about rural communities and the changes they are trying to implement within the state of Colorado. I was able to participate in three rodeo performances throughout the week. During the performances, I helped fly sponsor flags and helped the local kids with their mutton bustin’ debuts! One of my favorite moments from Denver was helping at the exceptional rodeo. This event allows children of all abilities to come experience rodeo first hand.
My second out of state trip took me to South Dakota for Rodeo Rapid City. The Sutton family sure knows how to make a rodeo queen feel like royalty! I kicked off my week at the Xtreme Broncs where we watched some of the best cowboys ride. The next day brought the 20x High School Xtreme Showcase Performance. It was so exciting to see the next generation and all the talent they possess. Later in the week we had a free day to go see Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. Having the opportunity to continue learning about our nation’s history through these legendary landmarks is such a valuable experience. Stay tuned for the February newsletter to hear about the rest of my trip!
This month has flown by and I have lots of exciting events coming up. Don’t forget to purchase your tickets to my coronation on March 16th! I would love to have you all there.
Abby Torgerson
2024 Miss Rodeo Oregon

It’s always fun to have an event close to home, so that you can see family!

Our beautiful view from our condo in Steamboat!

The Miss Rodeo Oregon chaps kept me nice 'n warm during the Cowboy Downhill.

The Colorado State Capitol is an absolute breathtaking building.

Enjoying my time in the Coliseum at the National Western Stock Show!

I couldn’t imagine a better first trip to Mt. Rushmore than with the MRO crown on my hat!

While walking around the Rodeo Rapid City trade show, I had to pick up some treats for Wrangler, Paisley, and Mater!

One more selfie with the legendary landmark!

The Crazy Horse Memorial is expected to be finished in 60 years with the current technology. I encourage you all to do some research on the memorial.
2024 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Hallie Haslebacher
This Month I had the honor of pinning on my official Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon sash!
While I didn’t get to do a lot this month, I had the privilege of attending the 2024 Columbia Fair and Rodeo Court Coronation. I got to see old friends and meet new ones that I can’t wait to travel the 2024 season with. I enjoyed helping show auction items and desserts. It is such a great honor to help support my sash sisters and help them get down the road and meet their goals.
Along with attending the Columbia Fair and Rodeo Coronation; I have also been busy getting ready for my coronation. I would love to see you all there! Even though my first month under the crown was a short one there is so much more to
come so stay tuned!
With love your,
2024 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon
Hallie Haslebacher

CCRC Queen Savannah Moore and me.

I am helping with auction items!

2023 Canby Queen Alexis and me.

Kayla and me.

Visiting royalty.

2024 CCR Court and me.
2024 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon Kayla Hunt!
Hey everyone hope you had a great January! I have been super busy getting all the ice damages fixed up with my family from that blast of cold weather to getting final details done for my coronation on the 3rd done.
The first coronation in January for me was Columbia County's and it was great getting to meet the new title holders that came along with getting to see Haley. We both had fun helping auction off items together. I have been so excited to see my chaps arrive this month and they are breathtaking in my opinion. I cried as my mom had a surprise for me added to them of my late mare's tail hair added into them. I can't wait to show you all them this year.
Hope to see you all on the 3rd at my coronation for a fun night.
Announcing the 2024 Miss Rodeo Oregon Clinic!
Thank you, sponsors!!