The Oregon Queen — November 2022
November 20, 2022 Off By Lois Forester2022 Miss Rodeo Oregon Avalon Irwin!
Many times in my life I have been encouraged to be present in each moment as it comes because you aren't guaranteed another moment like that. It took some time and practice to really take that advice to heart, but I am so glad I did because it changed the trajectory of my life. This year has come and gone so fast, but I can honestly say that I worked hard to be present for every moment of it. I am so grateful for the experiences that this position has given me, and so grateful to all of you that have experienced this year along with me.
During the month of October, I might have been down for the count on the 50 horse challenge, but I was still able to participate in some of the month’s events. I was able to do an interview with our current Miss Rodeo America, Hailey Frederiksen. That interview will be posted on Miss Rodeo America’s social media in the weeks leading up to the pageant, so make sure you give them a follow.
In October I also had the opportunity to participate in the Columbia River Circuit Finals. It is always such an honor to get to ride in the arena during such a prestigious event. In my humble opinion the Columbia River Circuit is one of the best circuits around and I am so grateful to get to be a part of it. During the Circuit Finals the Columbia River Circuit Queen Pageant took place, I was incredibly grateful to be invited to attend those events. I also had the opportunity to participate in Rascal Rodeo where I got to visit with new and old friends who were in attendance. To top off an incredible weekend, the Miss Rodeo Oregon Board hosted a sendoff party for me. I was able to show off some of the wardrobe that will go to Vegas with me as well as share my preparations and experiences with my community. Thank you to everyone who came out to support me!
Currently I am spending most of my time preparing for the upcoming Miss Rodeo America Pageant and in the spare time I do find, I am preparing the high school equestrian team that I coach for their upcoming season.
Looking back on this year my hope and prayer is that by being present in each moment I was able to have a positive impact on the lives of those around me. God puts us in certain places at certain times for a reason. I am grateful He put me right here right now, my hope for you is that you can find joy in the place He put you.
Avalon Irwin
Miss Rodeo Oregon 2022
P.S. I would love to hear any encouragement you might have while I am at the Miss Rodeo America Pageant! You can email me at Mrapmedia@missrodeoamerica.com and put “Oregon” in the subject line or you can send roses by ordering them through this link: https://www.missrodeoamerica.com/p/pageant/roses

All the royalty gathered for Avalon's party!

Board members at Avalon's Good Luck Party--Lynn Haynes, Tanya Cloutier, Julie Singer, Tanya Marie Utberg, Diane Utberg

Hostess for the party, Kayla Vincent, the new National Director-Oregon beginning January 1, 2023.

1st VP Tanya Cloutier with Queen Alexis Goughnour of Clackamas County Fair & Canby Rodeo
Looking Ahead to 2023 and our new Titleholders! (plus Executive Board changes)
We are excited to welcome MRO Zoe Brooks, MTRO Morgan Brownell, and JMRO Reegan Bills next year. We also have a couple of changes at the board level:
President -- Lois Forester
Vice President -- Tanya Cloutier
National Director -- Kayla Vincent
Junior/Teen Director -- Tanya Marie Utberg
Treasurer -- Diane Utberg
Secretary -- Carol Shull
Junior/Teen Advisor -- Glenda Franich
We are immensely grateful to both Julie Singer who served six years as President and Lynn Haynes who served as National Director for Oregon for 15 years (but has served on the board since 2003!!) They will be honored at one of the 2023 coronations!!

2023 Miss Rodeo Oregon Zoe Brooks

2023 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Morgan Brownell

2023 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon Reegan Bills
2022 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Destiny Wecks!

Royalty at the Circle of Success Rodeo Queen Clinic

Introduction for the Send Off Party

Testing my luck again with the rank green bull at the Rascal Rodeo

Britney, Miss CRC 2022, being my outrider for the horse Rascal Rodeo

Zoe and Britney after the speeches part of CRC Pageant

My parents and I on the way to the 2022 Columbia River Circuit Finals

College dorm roommate Hailey and I eating at the college cafeteria!

Avalon and Lexy after Horsemanship for the 2023 Miss CRC Pageant

Avalon and my dad getting ready for the luncheon and speeches of the Miss CRC Pageant
Good Luck, Avalon, at the Miss Rodeo America Pageant--November 27 to December 4!

Purchase roses at $7.50 each to be delivered to Avalon during the MRA Pageant. Link: https://foundation.missrodeoamerica.com/p/foundation/2022-miss-rodeo-america-pageant-rose-sales?fbclid=IwAR2WszY9Y5DiF6gWDz2hBxob9btr51uSKL39JoP5eLIcQeC6DGZDi-pKn3A

Avalon's Bucks for Bags auction item! This will be auctioned off on Saturday Dec 3 and all proceeds will benefit the MRA Scholarship Fund. Pendleton Woolen Mills donated the Pendleton blanket and Weekender bag. Board members contributed hazelnuts, wine, cheeseboards, and more.
2022 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon Carrie Woods!

With 2023 LIW MTRO Morgan and JMRO Reegan and Miss Rodeo Oregon Sweetheart Hailey at the TCRA coronation!

At the TCRC playday, I won Junior high point!

Jr Miss TCRA Piper and I had to recreate the bouquet toss from last year!

From queen horse to rope horse, Sue can do it all!

My last Jr High home game and we won!
Coronation Season is Fast Approaching!
April 7-9, 2023
It's been on our facebook page for months now as a "save the date" but we just want to remind you that our annual Miss Rodeo Oregon Clinic is just around the corner! Registrations will open February 1.
Almost ready to debut the MRO Store!
Within the next couple of weeks, we will be setting prices for coronations and you'll be able to purchase your tickets on our website! We are so grateful to Chad Morris of Fervent Media for the work he has put into making this happen. You will also be able to pay for clinic registrations in the store as well. Thanks also to Treasurer Diane Utberg for making the transition away from PayPal to help us avoid fees. You'll be able to use your credit card, but our expenses will be much less.