The Oregon Queen — October 2018


Hardly any better place than the Oregon coast!

With Vicki Christensen, 1973 Miss Rodeo Oregon.

PRCA CEO George Taylor

At the Northwest Pro Rodeo Association Pageant.

VFW Breakfast in Pendleton

With best friend Stephanie Foster

At Hamley’s Western Store with all twelve state queens.
Greetings! Summer is officially gone and we are seeing all the beautiful colors of fall. We have three new titleholders for 2019: Miss–Taylor Ann Skramstad ; Teen–Meredith Moore; Junior–Rowdy Israel. With the help of our Ladies-in-Waiting Advisors, they are planning their coronations, picking their colors, designing their chaps, and getting ready for the fun they will have representing MROI in 2019. The Miss Rodeo America Pageant is fast approaching so we are putting our energy towards getting Jessi prepared. Her Good Luck Party is Saturday October 27, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds in Canby, Oregon. Please come and support her!
We received approval from the members present at our general membership meeting last month to update our Bylaws to allow staggered terms for our Board members. This allows for half of the board to be elected each year for a two- year term. This ensures that we will always have at least half of the Board with experience. Ballots and meeting information will be coming soon. The activities for our MROI Teens and Junior are slowing down, but what an amazing job they have done representing us at rodeos, parades, school visits, and other youth activities.
We are in the planning stages for our MROI Queen’s Clinic, the first weekend in April 2019 at the fairgrounds in Madras, Oregon. More details will be coming out after the first of the year. We will be having more activities and incentives to increase our membership in the coming year. The Board and I are really excited with the all the new ideas we are considering. Hope to see everyone at Jessi’s Good Luck Party!
Julie Singer, President MROI

Miss Vancouver Rodeo and I are waiting for the first performance at the NPRA finals.
Since my last newsletter I have had the most fun imaginable! My month of September held two of my favorite events to date! First, Dad and I loaded up and headed to the Pendleton Round-up for my first visit! Dad hadn’t been since the 90’s so it was exciting for us both! We had an absolute blast at the rodeo and Happy Canyon performance! The parade had to be my favorite because MTRO Addy, JMRO Lauren, and I all got to ride in the same wagon accompanied by our driver Carly and her horse Bill. We visited with Carly nearly the entire parade! From there we were able to attend a beautiful luncheon and catch up with all of our sash sisters from around the state as well as many out-of-staters.
The following weekend our trailer made its final drive over the pass to Prineville for the year which was very bittersweet. Dad and I often joke that if we fell asleep on the McKenzie Highway we wouldn’t have to worry because the truck itself drives it so often we’d still show up at the Crooked River Round-up grounds! The NPRA finals was full of fun from the rodeo performances to the Miss NPRA fashion show! I also took some time to catch up with some close family friends while I visited. From wowing Miss NPRA Baylee Crawford with my wicked dance moves to seeing her hand off her crown to the 2019 Miss NPRA Emylia Breckel, the weekend was full of emotion.
This past month was full of excitement and fun but I am oh so thankful to be home with my family for hunting season! I would like to take a minute to thank some of my amazing sponsors Bi-Coastal Media and Milk-E-Way Feed and Trucking for making these memories possible!
Sincerely, 2018 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon Bethany Rowe

Everybody waiting for the Westward Ho Parade in Pendleton!

Addy and I posing with Shelby Eckenberg, Miss Teen Rodeo Washington.

Dancing the night away with Miss NPRA Baylee Crawford

Little Miss NPRA Gage Weaver and me

Junior and Teens waiting for our board meeting in Prineville!

Here we are with all of the state titleholders visiting the Pendleton Round-Up!

Signing autographs at a booth in Pendleton!

The NWPRA girls Jazmin and Brooklyn took a look around Hamley’s with me!

Photo by Thomas C. Duncan Photography at Pendleton’s Westward Ho parade!
September was one of my best months of rodeo yet! It has been such an honor to represent the sport of rodeo in our amazing state of Oregon! I plan on focusing on community events for the next three months and giving back to the community.
Pendleton was the best experiences of my year so far. Two of my sponsors and their families traveled with us and it is so wonderful to have their ongoing support! Angie Vachter has been a huge support to me and has attended most of my events with me. The parade at Pendleton was very unique and it will be a tradition we are starting with our family and friends!
The NPRA finals was a great way to show support to other rodeo queen hopefuls by helping them sell tickets and giving encouragement! It was great to talk to and thank Bob Roy who just finished making my saddle! Also, a good friend Kyle Bounds won a saddle for the bareback riding champion at the end of the finals!
In October I am volunteering at Pacific Equestrian Center for their Candlelighters ride. The event is for kids and families of kids with cancer. Kids will love roping a roping dummy! It will be so fun to be involved and work with the children!
Thank you again for all your support!
2018 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon
Lauren Gibson

Teens and me at the Westward Ho parade.

Emma Dalton, 2017 JMRO, with Tanya Marie Utberg and me in Prineville.

Major sponsors Ross and Crystal Bridges of Mr. Color with me in Pendleton.

I gave Bob Roy a framed thank-you photo at NPRA.

I attended the Junior American Indian Beauty Contest in Pendleton.

Amy Hogan of Rolling H Ranch with me and my mom.

Addy and me at the Pendleton Underground Tour.
I only had a couple events scheduled in September, but boy were they big ones!
I started off in Pendleton where I was able to attend several of the Pendleton Round-Up performances, a first for me. My favorite part of the Round-Up was of course the grand entry and the horse races! I also attended Happy Canyon, a great Queen’s luncheon, went to the Pendleton Round-Up & Happy Canyon Hall of Fame Museum, went on the Pendleton Underground Tour and of course did a ton of shopping. The highlight of the week was riding in a wagon with Lauren and Bethany in the Westward Ho! Parade and meeting all the visiting out of state queens MRO was hosting. I ended the month at my last rodeo of my year, the NPRA Finals. It was bittersweet. A special thank you to our 2019 Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon, Rowdy and her mom, Nicole, for letting me borrow their sweet boy, Peanut, for the weekend. It was also really fun attending the Miss NPRA Pageant and Fashion Show. Congratulations to the 2019 Miss NPRA, Emylia Breckel. I was also able to stop and watch the Sisters Rodeo queen tryouts on my way home from Prineville where all the girls did amazing. Congrats to Riann Cornett on being crowned the 2019 Sisters Rodeo Queen. I have a few events planned for October including the Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention Awareness on October 13th in Salem. I am happy to have surpassed by fundraising goal of $150. Thank you to everyone who helped me reach my goal. I will also be supporting the contestants at the St. Paul and Canby Rodeo tryouts and cannot wait to attend Jessi’s Miss Rodeo America good luck/send off event on October 27th. Warm Fall Regards, Addy Crouch 2018 Miss Teen Rodeo Oregon |

Jessi, Bethany, and me in Prineville.

At the NPRA Fashion Show with 2019 Miss NPRA Emylia Breckel.

Riding in the wagon at the Westward Ho Parade

With Lauren at the Underground Tours in Pendleton.

Lauren, 2019 JMRO Rowdy Israel, me, 2019 MTRO Meredith Moore, Jessi, 2019 MRO Taylor Skramstad, and Bethany.

At the Westward Ho Parade.

I’m at the NPRA finals with a baby goat named “Goat”!

Rowdy Israel and me.
Miss Rodeo Oregon, Inc. is so extremely fortunate to have Fervent Media as our sponsor. Chad Morris designed our website and took care of the myriad of details in getting it online. He is responsive to our many requests and patiently teaches the acquisition of website management skills. It is no problem that he is based in Central Oregon and the media director lives in Eastern Oregon. If you are looking for someone who can produce results at a very reasonable cost, contact Chad. Check out one of his other websites at High Desert Stampede!! We are grateful to you, Chad.